No, we're not some spin class gym freaks who insist that your BMI be perfect for your height. No, it's our club secretary, Mr Mark Davis. He seems to take extreme pleasure in extending your draw length. I think I moved my clicker back by at least half an inch tonight and I'm still drawing pass the clicker without too much struggle.
I had pointed out to Mark that my form had dropped and he has been happily providing me with some coaching to get me back on track. Last year we identified that my posture was not straight and I have rounded/hunched shoulders. According to Mark, I took a knock in my confidence and crawled back into my old ways. One of which was not making full use of my back muscles.
So what improvements did I make tonight?
- Straighten my shoulders
- Draw back with my shoulders
- Don't bend my front arm
- Expand the chest
- Sight picture
- Believe that I can draw further than before
Put all of the above together and I was rewarded by the end of the night with 4 arrows in the gold on a 40cm face. Can't argue with that.
The real test will be to maintain this progress. Mark left me with some exercises so we shall see how that goes.
I will be at 2020 tomorrow so we shall see how I put this all into practice.
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